Tutoring and Enrichment Programs

Tutor Sessions

Individualized academic attention from our expert educators.

Teen Homework Hub Information

Teen Homework hub

Snoqualmie Ridge homework center offers access to multiple subject tutors.

Teacher and student doing a science lab

Enrichment Classes

Where learning meets fun! Classes available for all ages.

Now enrolling!

Quantum STEM Preschool is located in the Snoqualmie Ridge. Learn more about how we infused stem into daily learning.

Enrolling Soon!

Elementary after school program

Our commitment to excellence and enjoyable learning makes us stand out among other tutoring centers.

Meet for a complimentary consultation to find out more, discuss goals, and plot a course for your child's success!

Why are parents choosing Cascade Enrichment?

Student and teacher smiling as they work together.

First off, we make tutor sessions really convenient for parents and comfortable for students. We bring tutor sessions to your home!

Our top-of-the-line tutors work in their area of specialty. We ensure your child’s tutor is able to provide the best support possible for the subject areas they need help with.

Does your child prefer in-person or remote tutor sessions? We offer both options!

Tutor Sessions

Cascade Enrichment teacher Liz working with a student on a laptop

Meet Liz! She is one our incredible elementary teachers.

Your child meets with their tutor from the comfort of your home. Each of our tutors work in their area of specialty, ensuring your child has the best possible support.

There are many benefits to your child working with a tutor. Their confidence grows, they feel supported, they learn time management and study skills. Children with a trusted tutor also experience less anxiety related to their academics.