Enrichment Classes

Personalized Lessons for your child

Explore our enrichment activities and discover a new passion! Classes are individually taught. You are welcome to form a small group with family or friends— and this will reduce each child’s class cost. Since classes are individualized, you can choose the meeting time and content is personalized.

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  • Coding Enrichment Class


    Your child will build their computer science knowledge! Early exposure to coding literacy will provide endless opportunities in our tech-driven world.

    Grades K-12

    Max 2 students

    Remote lessons

  • Creative Writing Enrichment Class

    Creative Writing

    Use your imagination to tell us a story! Boost creativity, vocabulary, and learn to write with clarity.

    Grades 2-12

    Max 4 students

    Remote or in-person lessons

  • Music

    Boost your musical abilities. Learn a new instrument or become even better at the one you currently play.

    Grades 3-12

    Max 2 students

    In-person lessons

  • Video Game Design

    Learn computer programming while designing a game. Our video game design expert has a degree in computer science and is passionate about designing video games!

    Grades 7-12

    Max 2 students

    Remote lessons

  • Public Speaking Enrichment Class

    Public Speaking

    Write and present a compelling argument on a topic that excites you! Confidentially speak and present information to your audience.

    Grades 4-12

    Max 4 students

    Remote or in-person lessons

  • Chess Enrichment Class


    Build up a library of chess strategies! Develop higher-order thinking skills, such as planning, problem-solving, decision making.

    Grades 2-12

    Max 4 students

    Remote or in-person lessons

  • Photo Editing Enrichment Class

    Photo Editing

    Practice pro photo editing skills! You'll use photo editing software of your choice. Photo editing helps kids improve attention to detail and develop creativity.

    Grades 4-12

    Max 2 students

    Remote lessons

  • Spanish Enrichment Class


    Learn another language at your pace, the way that works best for you! Foreign language skills are useful for improving cognitive abilities, traveling to places where the language is spoken, and college/career opportunities.

    Grades K-12

    Max 4 students

    Remote or in-person lessons

  • Microbiology

    Explore the world of microbiology! We adjust the level of difficulty based on prior experience with microscopes. This is a great class to create a small group with kids in your family/friends circle.

    Grades K-12

    Max 2 students

    In-person lessons