Reach for the Stars: Inspire Grit and Create a Study Nook

Parenting Tips for Academic Success

Our kids grow up quickly, and they will face many challenges throughout different stages of their lives. Parents can provide their children with the tools they need to support both academic and future success– here’s how. 

Inspire Grit

Grit is one of the most indicative traits of future success. Persevering through difficult times by maintaining a positive outlook and internal motivation– this is what it looks like for a child to have grit. 

When children watch their parents bounce back and learn from something difficult, it helps them understand that they are equally capable of doing this. Model the language and actions that you want your children to possess. It’s not an easy task, but it’s important to take time to reflect on what and how your children are learning from your actions. What do you want them to learn? 

Children can develop and foster grit by diving into an enrichment activity– one that personally interests them. Children who develop their own individual interests are intrinsically motivated to do well in these areas and rise up to future challenges. In the context of their favorite activity, they learn to achieve success as the result of hard work. 

Set-Up a Study Nook

Find time and space to carve out a study nook in your home. Kids love to help with or be in charge of the set-up! You can use this as an opportunity to provide them with choices about how they want their space arranged. 

There are some essentials for a good study nook. The space should be quiet and organized– less is more! The more items (aka clutter) in a study nook, the more distractions your child will have. There should be a solid surface to write on and access to necessary items, such as pencils and paper. Lay out some simple expectations for respecting the space. Your child could use this space as a reading or homework corner, and it could also be used as a meeting space with their tutor. 

Cascade Enrichment offers K-12 academic tutoring and enrichment programs with tutors who specialize in specific academic areas. Tutors are carefully matched with students so that your child receives the right support, has a positive learning environment, and develops good study strategies. Our tutors work with students in the comfort of your home, either in-person or remotely. Students can enjoy using their study nook for their tutor sessions, and learn perseverance and intrinsic motivation through an enrichment program. 

Reach for the Stars is part of a larger series available on our website.


Reach for The Stars: Summer Learning


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